{fashion gone rogue, garance, toronto star, we heart it}
What I've been doing:
1. (Quietly) celebrating the completion of my undergrad...WOOT
2. Working, for what seems like every second of my life since I finished school, to save up for #3
3. Planning - scratch that, booked! - a trip to Iceland, London and Berlin in two weeks
4. Daydreaming about what life will be like beyond school (ie. amazing, scary, inspiring, etc.)
5. Discovering that my H&M gift card has $100 on it instead of $25
2. Working, for what seems like every second of my life since I finished school, to save up for #3
3. Planning - scratch that, booked! - a trip to Iceland, London and Berlin in two weeks
4. Daydreaming about what life will be like beyond school (ie. amazing, scary, inspiring, etc.)
5. Discovering that my H&M gift card has $100 on it instead of $25
6. Getting little brown freckles on my nose and cheeks
7. Taking photos of Meg and doing an interview with her - will post when complete!
8. Lusting over clothes that I cannot afford, like the ones above. Rosie makes me want a jumper.
9. Appreciating the city - Even though Zanzibar is not our crowning jewel, that last photo of Yonge St. makes it all look so beautiful.
What I will be doing more of:
Posting, writing, taking photos, relaxing, reading, eating healthier. A long list that I fully intend on doing.
7. Taking photos of Meg and doing an interview with her - will post when complete!
8. Lusting over clothes that I cannot afford, like the ones above. Rosie makes me want a jumper.
9. Appreciating the city - Even though Zanzibar is not our crowning jewel, that last photo of Yonge St. makes it all look so beautiful.
What I will be doing more of:
Posting, writing, taking photos, relaxing, reading, eating healthier. A long list that I fully intend on doing.